Headshot of U N E Associate Provost of 研究 and Scholarship Karen Houseknecht

凯伦L. Houseknecht, Ph值.D.




波特兰的校园 Biddeford校园

凯伦L. Houseknecht, Ph值.D. was appointed 研究和奖学金副教务长 on June 1, 2018.   She also serves as professor of Pharmacology in the UNE College of 整骨疗法的医学. 在加入骨科医学院之前, Houseknecht served as professor and founding faculty member in the UNE College of Pharmacy's Department of Pharmaceutical 科学s.

Houseknecht的职业生涯, which has spanned academic and corporate research environments, has focused on her unwavering passion around the discovery and development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of diabetes, 肥胖和情绪障碍, 特别关注病人的安全. 作为一名教育者, she trains students in the disciplines of pharmacology and pathophysiology across healthcare disciplines and has a strong interest in inter-professional education.

豪斯内克特得了B.S. 弗吉尼亚理工大学动物科学硕士.S. in Animal Nutrition from the University of Georgia and a Ph.D. 康奈尔大学. She then received post-doctoral training as a research fellow in endocrinology and metabolism at the 贝斯以色列医院, 哈佛医学院. 与芭芭拉·卡恩,M.D.杰弗里·弗莱尔,M.D., her research focused on insulin signaling defects leading to insulin resistance as well as the biology of the newly discovered hormone, 瘦素.

Houseknecht joined the faculty of Purdue University's Department of Animal 科学s as an assistant professor in 1996, establishing a laboratory focused on the biology of 瘦素. 作为普渡大学的教员, she also served as honorary visiting professor in Clinical Medicine at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, 瑞典. In 1998, Karen joined Pfizer 全球 研究 and Development where she served as associate research fellow in diabetes drug discovery, 心血管科, 代谢和内分泌疾病. 在辉瑞工作时, Houseknecht led drug discovery teams focused on the discovery of novel diabetes therapeutics. 在加入UNE之前, Houseknecht also served as vice president of global research and development at ASDI, 公司., a multinational company providing products and services for clients in the pharmaceutical, 生物技术, 学术和非政府组织研究部门.

In 2008, Houseknecht joined UNE as a founding faculty member in the College of Pharmacy. In this role, she served as course director in Pharmacology and an instructor in Pathophysiology. She also helped found the UNE International APPE program in collaboration with the faculty in Pharmacy at the University of Granada, 西班牙.  Houseknecht’s teaching efforts were recognized by second year pharmacy students with the 2015 Teacher of the Year Award. 除了她的教学和服务工作, Houseknecht also maintained a NIH-funded research program that provided research opportunities for pharmacy students. In 2015, Houseknecht joined the faculty of the UNE College of 整骨疗法的医学 as a professor of Pharmacology, teaching in the first and second year medical curriculum.

Houseknecht’s NIH-funded research program lies at the interface of neuroscience, endocrinology and metabolism and she is the author of over 60 peer-reviewed publications. Whether studying drugs of abuse or psychiatric medications such as atypical antipsychotic medications, her research focuses on the pharmacology underlying mechanisms of action (efficacy) and mechanisms of adverse events (safety), with specific focus on medication-induced dysregulation of energy metabolism including diabetes. 当前的, funded projects in the laboratory include 1) elucidating the mechanisms associated with drug associated fracture rates and bone loss and 2) drug discovery efforts aimed at creating safer medications for the treatment of chronic pain.

在她的职业生涯中, Houseknecht has been an advocate for women in science and has served as a scientific mentor in both the academic and pharmaceutical organizations. In 2005, she was awarded the Power of Women Award for her work supporting educational and leadership opportunities for women in girls. In 2006, she was recognized with the Women of Innovation Award for Large 业务 Innovation and Leadership by the Connecticut Technology Council and was elected to the National Board of Directors for the Association of Women in 科学 (AWIS). In 2007, Houseknecht was awarded the Outstanding 校友 Award 康奈尔大学, College of Agriculture and Life 科学s for her scientific achievements, 制药行业的领导地位, advocacy for women and girls and support of Cornell’s mission. 最近, Houseknecht was recognized by the Connecticut women’s Hall of Fame as one of the best of “A New Century of Women in 科学.”



博士后内分泌研究员, 内分泌科, 贝斯以色列医院, 哈佛医学院(1994-1996)